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Let’s understand embryo transfer process in IVF treatment

Writer: IVF Success TipsIVF Success Tips

What is Embryo?

Either naturally or by any treatment, the egg is fertilized by the sperm. Then it will be known as Embryo. The first stage of development for a baby is Embryo.

What do you mean by Embryo Transfer?

Once the egg is fertilized, it will be implanted inside of the uterus of a woman. This process a part of In Vitro Fertilization treatment for infertility. Embryo transfer is the last step into the ivf treatment. During the IVF treatment, a particular type of medications is prescribed to the patient by ivf doctor to stimulate the ovaries to release high-quality eggs which have better chances to get fertilized easily.

In IVF treatment eggs are detached from ovaries and fertilized in a laboratory. After the fertilization of the egg, it will multiply it, and the development of the baby starts quickly. Then these multiplied embryos are transferred inside women's uterus. For having a healthy pregnancy Embryo must attach itself to the uterus or the womb.

Why is embryo Transfer needed?

Embryo transfer is required in the following conditions:

Embryo transfer is used in IVF treatment where the natural fertilization is not possible.

1) Ovulation Dysfunction: when there is dysfunction in the ovulation cycle, ovulation time is infrequent, and egg is low in quantity. When there are fewer eggs that can be fertilized by the donor sperm, there will be a complication for getting pregnant.

Ovulation disorder affects the menstruation cycle and alters the possibility of conceiving a healthy baby.

2) Damaged Fallopian Tubes: Fallopian tubes are the gateway, the Embryo will travel from it to reach the uterus. When the fallopian pipes are damaged, blocked, or scarred, it becomes difficult for Embryo to enter the womb safely.

3) Complicated Endometriosis: when implanted the tissue of the uterus starts growing outside of the blastula. It can cause the dysfunction in the female reproductive system.

4) Unanticipated ovarian failure: When the ovaries fail, it effects on the standard estrogen projection. As a result, the regular egg releasing process got malfunctioned.

5) Uterine fibroids for egg implantation in the uterus: fibroid are small in size, and they are kind of benign tumors available on the side wall of the uterus. These fibroids can cause a problem in the plantation of the egg inside it. The uterus itself does process of the estate of the egg. Which prevent the pregnancy process.

6) Hereditary complications: some genetic disorder are the cause which prevents pregnancy. When it comes to a genetic disease, doctors first ask you about the family history if any of them can harm or prevent you from getting pregnant.

7) Damaged sperm generation: Low sperm production and poor motility of the sperm or such damaged sperm to the test, or having any particular semen anomalies can cause infertility in men.

When the IVF doctor analysis any of these conditions, they will prescribe you to take such treatment as In Vitro Fertilization.

Types of the Embryo transfer process:

To receive and fertilize the egg in IVF treatment IVF doctors or IVF specialist generally follow the same process on every cycle. When the donor sperm fertilized the egg in the laboratory. There are several ways to implant it in the uterus. This technique depends on the type of Embryo is selected.

1) Transference of fresh Embryo:

Once eggs are fertilized, they will be cultivated for one to two days. The best embryos will be selected to transfer directly inside the uterus. The embryos which are in good condition will be chosen; those chosen embryos will move to woman's womb by the IVF specialist.

2) Frozen embryo transfer: all other embryones other the fresh Embryo will be stored and frozen for the next usage. These embryos are fused and then transferred to the uterus whenever in future needed.

3) Blastocyst embryo transfer:

After the fertilization process if more Embryos are healthy. And challenging to choose the best, then they will wait to see if embryos develop itself in blastocysts. According to the result of some surveys, it is determined that the blastocyst embryo substitution has a higher progress allowance than the regular embryo transfer done after three days. However, it is believed that there is more risk during pregnancy in later, so it is not always recommended to follow.

Assisted hatching: as a consequence of a study performed by a reproductive biomedical foundation that the method of Assisted Hatching-which reducing the outer layer of the Embryo before its transferal manner to the uterus may get the adverse influence. it can cause some particular problems during and after the pregnancy.

Top 10 tips for a successful embryo transfer process in IVF treatment:

1). Consult to the most experienced IVF doctor or IVF specialist:

IVF clinic may tell you that embryo transfer is one of the most common treatment they give in routine. However, as you are patient and you are paying its fees, you should be careful about such things. Experience matters the most as this process is done with a sharp eye on the implantation. If specialist misses a simple regular step, this can cause the whole process unsuccessful.

2) Take trial first, then execute for the goal:

An embryo transfer procedure is to follow very quickly and easily. You can ask ivf doctor for mock transfer of the real transformation process. In this trial, the doctor will try to do such process but to check all the required environment if the somehow see them self near to the goal they will do the actual process to conceive a baby.

3) Keep away from hydrosalpinx: A hydrosalpinx is one kind of fluid which is available inside one or both fallopian tubes, it can usually be associated with a previous sexually-transmitted infection or Endometriosis. Because of it the healthy pregnancy is not possible with having it inside the fallopian tube.

It also had a terrible effect on the ivf other infertility treatment. The annoying fluid can drool into the uterus, interrupt with your womb filling, and make devastation with the embryos which are just transferred.

4) Have more test to see the development process:

The specific test should be taken before after and during the period of pregnancy.

5) Have more Folic acid: while trying for conceiving a baby, you need to have food and multivitamins which are rich in the folic acid.

6) Transferring two embryos: if your age is above 40, consider moving two embryo transfer at once. As the grows the capacity of the fallopian tube to produce egg is decreased.

7) Have some rest but do not go to bed after embryo transfer:

After the implantation of the Embryo, don’t take too much rest it is suggested to be active during this period, few things are prohibited such as you should not lift heavy weight, or trampolining, also hot baths are not suitable in this period. Those embryos need for you to be active, calm dry.

8) Try to avoid things that can cause cough or sneeze: cough or sneeze can directly harm the development process of the Embryo. And there are also chances that cough a make you sicker.

9) Be happy, stay positive:

A Positive attitude will bring peace and calmness. Which is very important to keep during this process as the results are not quick, so you have to have patience and calm.

10) Avoid things that are prohibited:

You have to keep yourself up and have control over bad habits such as drinking alcohol, smoking, and decrease caffeine intake. Have foo that helps through this. You need to take care of yourself.


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